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4 Floor Plan Mistakes to Avoid in Your New Home Design




4 Floor Plan Mistakes to Avoid in Your New Home Design : It’s exciting to design your ideal home! You look through thousands of floor plans in order to find the home that is just right for you, your family, and the neighborhood in which it will be located. Even though you are not a designer, you look over the floor plan and notice that it meets all of your expectations: The layout is open, the master suite is on the first floor, and the garage has a nice laundry room and mud room. so you choose to purchase the arrangement.

Then, at that point, you are at long last ready to see all that fantasizing on paper work out as expected – and play a part in assisting it with coming to fruition. Getting to the finished product and discovering that the house you just built is not quite what you had envisioned or hoped for is, however, less exciting. How could something go wrong?

Because you weren’t a designer, you weren’t aware of some of the common pitfalls people face when choosing the right floor plan for them and their families. It’s possible that you didn’t pay attention to all of the details.

Keep an eye out for these mistakes that can ruin your dream home as you search for a new place to call home.

Overlooking Your Current Lifestyle

It would be nice to have a private library in the master suite, but do you read a lot now? When designing your home, be sure to take into account your present way of life, both for expanding and contracting the size of your floor plans.

The Solution: If you frequently prepare meals, for instance, make sure the kitchen is spacious enough to be comfortable but not so enormous that your meals end up becoming a relay race. Additionally, you might want to reconsider lowering the primary living rooms if you intend to downsize but enjoy entertaining. Take a look at how you now live in your house and use that as the basis for your new design.

Not Doing Your Research

You might already know exactly how many bathrooms and bedrooms you need. In any case, do you have any idea what components you and different individuals from your family find crucial for add?

The Fix: It’s easy to get caught up in the dream of everything, but if you want your home to be practical for your family, you need to spend a lot of time planning it. A phenomenal method for measuring what you’re missing is to assemble a family conference. Inquire from everyone about the features they consider essential.

  • • It could be a shared bathroom with two sinks or additional storage for sports equipment.
  • • You might be so over showering that all you want to do is soak in your own tub and unwind.

Little highlights like this must be resolved when you ask, so its critical to plunk down with different individuals from your family before you conclude your home floor plans.

Keep an eye out for these mistakes that can ruin your dream home as you search for a new place to call home.

Overlooking Hidden Costs

Want windows that reach the ceiling? Costs for heating and cooling should increase. Things that appear lovely but are expensive in the long run are frequently overlooked. Skylights, sliding glass doors, and windows that face the incorrect way are a few instances.

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The Solution: Consult with your floor plan designer about how to achieve the desired results without having to pay a lot of money each month for unforeseen utility and other bills. Instead of a large skylight, you might install one or two sun tubes if you prefer an interior that is brighter. Solar tubes bring light into a house’s interior without the drawback of a lot of glass surface area that allows heat and cooling costs to escape.

Failing to Consider Room Placement

Bedroom and bathroom placement are essential in a house. Although it may look great on paper to have bathrooms sprinkled throughout regularly traveled areas, do you really want that half bath so close to the kitchen? Consider the bedrooms as well. Is there a busy street youd like to avoid exposing bedrooms to?

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The Fix: Take these elements into consideration when designing your house plan. Design your home to fit your needs, as well as add to the atmosphere of the house.

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