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Video: Madison School Shooting Leaves 2 Dead, 6 Injured; Juvenile Suspect Dies




Authorities have identified the shooter responsible for Monday’s tragic incident at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin, which resulted in the deaths of a teacher and a teenage student, while injuring six others.

Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes confirmed that the shooter was 15-year-old Natalie Rupnow, who went by Samantha. The attack occurred during a study hall session with multiple grades present in the room.

Shooter’s Death and Investigation

Evidence suggests Rupnow died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Barnes noted that investigators are speaking with Rupnow’s father, who is cooperating with authorities. The motive behind the attack has not yet been determined.

Timeline and Emergency Response

Barnes highlighted the bravery of a second-grade student who called 911 to report the shooting. “At 10:57 a.m., a second-grade student called 911 to report that a shooting had occurred at the school,” Barnes said. “Let that sink in—a second grader made that call.”

Emergency responders quickly arrived at the scene, and all students were safely reunified with their parents.

Casualties and Injuries

Two students remain in critical condition with life-threatening injuries. Additionally, a teacher and three other students were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, two of whom have since been released. The identities of the deceased teacher and student have not been disclosed.

Barnes confirmed Rupnow used a handgun in the attack and emphasized the lasting impact on everyone involved. “Every child, every person in that building is a victim and will be a victim forever. We need to piece together exactly what happened,” he said.

School Safety and Security Measures

Abundant Life Christian School, which serves approximately 200 students, did not have a school resource officer at the time of the shooting. While the school had security cameras and protocols in place, there were no metal detectors.

Barnes also shared that local law enforcement conducts active shooter drills “almost quarterly,” with the most recent training occurring two weeks prior to the incident.

Community and National Response

President Joe Biden spoke with Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway following the shooting, offering federal support to the affected community. In a statement, Biden described the events in Madison as “shocking and unconscionable.”

Ongoing Investigation

Chief Barnes reassured the public that law enforcement officials are working tirelessly to gather more information. “No one is thinking about going home right now,” he said. “This day will be etched into the collective memory of Madison.”

As the investigation continues, the tragedy has left the Madison community grappling with grief and unanswered questions.


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