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Where Can I Study a Masters Degree in Australia’s Best Student Cities?




Your career can take off if you pursue a Masters program in Australia. However, wondering where to study is a legitimate question in a nation (and continent) that is primarily made up of immense wilderness.

Six of the world’s top 50 student cities, as ranked by QS, are located in Australia, despite their concentration on a limited geographic region. In this blog, we’ve examined the top five in great detail.

One Melbourne.

Melbourne is ranked fourth in the world and as the greatest student city in the nation. According to the QS World University Rankings, seven universities in Melbourne are listed. Not only that, but crowdsourced data indicates that it’s more reasonably priced in comparison to other Australian cities.

Melbourne has been ranked as one of the top cities for software and game development enterprises, so there are plenty of prospects after graduation. Beyond the classroom, Melbourne is known throughout the world for its cuisine. The city is known for having the best Asian cuisine outside of Asia and is fond of its cafés.

Sydney two

Sydney comes in at number two in Australia and eighth globally. With six universities in the city and a diverse student body, you can be sure that wherever you are from, you can find a place to call home! Given that Sydney is the financial and business center of Australia, there will be no shortage of employment prospects for you upon graduation.

On the other hand, Sydney has somewhat greater living expenses for students. To help with these expenses, you can fortunately find opportunities to work part-time employment while you’re a student. There is a lot to do and see in Sydney on your days off thanks to its wonderful climate and landmarks like Bondi Beach and the Opera House.

Three Brisbane

Brisbane is ranked 22nd in the world and the third best student city in Australia. Brisbane is still a well-liked study destination for students even though it only has two major universities. If money is tight, Brisbane is a great option because it’s less expensive than other Australian cities.

Brisbane is a beach lover’s dream come true because of its closeness to the Gold Coast. You have the option of traveling to The Great Barrier Reef or just visiting beaches nearer to your home. You can find employment both during and after your studies in Brisbane’s main industries, which include tech, healthcare, tourism, and education.


Adelaide is not too far behind as the world’s 26th-best student. International students are welcome to this city, which is the fifth largest in Australia. Although it’s one of the more costly cities to live in, you may lower your expenses by making some wise financial decisions. After graduation, there are jobs in space technology, agribusiness, and health sciences that are waiting for you.

You’re close to the Adelaide Hills, which are excellent for hiking and climbing and are home to some of Australia’s top wines, if you’re searching for things to do after school.

Five Canberra

Australia’s capital ranks 30th in the globe and sixth in the nation for student life. Over 15,000 foreign students are welcomed at Canberra’s internationally recognized universities. Even though it’s among the priciest locations to live in, students might receive scholarships that can help with expenses.

The city is eager to support companies in the fields of IT, space research, and renewable energy while also providing ample employment prospects for recent graduates. You can spend a day off visiting one of Canberra’s numerous free museums and galleries or getting away from the city to spend time in some of the greatest nearby natural parks.

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